What is total-self care?
We don’t live in a healthy environment anymore. I want to give you a quick snapshot how we can do something about it. How do I protect myself and my family from a toxic environment?
In 1975 Nikken started providing cutting edge products. Their products are provided all over the world to clean up our toxic environment, one home and one person at a time.
Vital Wellness is made up of four elements:
Air, water, sleep and nutrition. Without them we wouldn’t survive.
Modern living gets in the way of our living a pure existence. Improving conditions and restore energy is the secret of vital wellness.
Nikken has a product line to clean and improve all four of these vital elements. I have experienced improvement in all areas since using these products.
Magnets are their foundational products. I mentioned how I tossed and turned all night long with my hips aching to a friend working with Nikken products. She had me try their magnet pad on my back while sleeping. I had immediate relief that night.
Put them where you hurt. They work! Put them in your shoes and in your bed for relaxation benefits. My husband and I have a mattress cover, pillows and a comforter and we have never slept better. We’re sleeping 1/3 of our lives…..why not make it healthy and comfortable?
We’ve been using the PiMag water system for 6 months. Advanced filtration takes out pharmaceuticals, chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals and creates Ph balanced water between 8.5 & 9.5, adding minerals to the water, calcium and magnesium, iodized, magnetized, energized water to your system. And it’s inexpensive and way more beneficial than bottled water and it just plain tastes good…..smooth!
You will save $75.00 on this water system if you contact me to give you an ID #. Simple as that!
The Kenko Air Purifier has amazing results. The air in our homes has been proven to be worse than most major industrialized cities. Childhood asthma is the #1 cause for Emergency Room visits, due to the toxins in our homes.
I met a man in Nikken who served in the military in Iraq. He came home with constant bleeding in his nose and other terrible results from oil fires in Iraq. He started using the Kenko Air Purifier and even took the small model on trips when he traveled. Since using the Purifier he has not been to the doctor and has not had to take prescriptions for years.
Kenko Light II – Natural Lighting replicates the natural energy of the sun. Fake indoor lighting is bad for us – it drains us and can cause headaches. When you place a Kenko light by your work area all day, you can go home NOT feeling exhausted. It’s amazing!
My husband and I love the Kenzen Whole Food Nutrition products. Everything is made from fruits and vegetables. We love knowing we aren’t taking synthetic supplements. People are staying off cholesterol and blood pressure meds by taking Bergisteral. That’s just one important product of so many.
Last but not least, the Certified Organic Care for your Skin – no chemicals, no petroleum, no mineral oils, no synthetic detergents, no synthetic perfumes, no artificial colors and pesticide free! These are many of the things they have found that produce breast cancer tumors in women due to these ingredients being in their skin care products.
Millions of people are using the Nikken products, including health care professional and athletes and plain ole folks like me. I’m all about preventative measures to live a healthier, drug-free life.