Animal Reiki Services

I’d like to share my experience with animals and Reiki Energy Therapy – Reiki Pet Care.

When I teach Reiki, I explain how Reiki can be used on every living thing. Animals are particularly receptive to Reiki Energy. All living beings have life energy flowing through them. When life energy is high, we and our pets are healthy and balanced, more relaxed and less likely to get sick.

From our own household pets to providing professional services to people and organizations who work with animals (Veterinarians, SPCA), the tools and techniques I’ve developed in my 7 years as a Reiki Master/Teacher have helped animals relax, recover from trauma, get through illness, grief and fear. Even animals going through labor and birth, or animals dealing with old age and transitioning from this life can benefit from Reiki Energy Therapy.

Reiki is always complimentary to what you or your pet is receiving through a medical professional. Whatever your vet is doing to help your pet….Reiki will be an added bonus.

I’ve always loved animals… and animals pick up on that love and calmness.