Embracing the Art of Practicing Surrender

By |2024-04-23T19:09:25+00:00April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Book, Reiki|

The Transformative Power of Letting Go In a world that praises control, learning the art of surrender can be transformative. Embracing the practice of surrender can significantly alter our experience of life's unpredictable journey. Unlike the futile attempt to control every aspect of life, learning to let go offers a path to genuine freedom and [...]

Limiting Beliefs: Understanding Our Invisible Barriers

By |2024-03-26T23:25:32+00:00March 26th, 2024|Categories: Book, Reiki, Tips|

In our journey through life, we often encounter invisible barriers that halt our progress, not in the physical realm but within the confines of our minds. These barriers are known as limiting beliefs. They shape our perception of the world and ourselves in subtle, yet profound ways. As a Reiki practitioner and an author, I've [...]

My Journey Beyond Limiting Beliefs: Insights from a Reiki Master

By |2024-03-26T23:16:11+00:00December 22nd, 2023|Categories: Book, Reiki|

Hello everyone! I'm excited to share a glimpse into my ongoing journey as a Reiki Master, a journey that has been as much about breaking through limiting beliefs as it has been about spiritual awakening. As I write my new book, which is a work in progress, I'm eager to share with you the transformative [...]

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